A warm welcome, a cold reality.

July 1st, 2012 · No Comments · Political Memoirs

Dralosa prepares to leave Shattrath again for the Grand Alliance summit.

Priestess Ash’anamaleth of the Lineage of the Moon was an affable, gracious woman. Previous experience with the Kaldorei has caused me to be wary in my dealings with them; vocal Kaldorei detractors have, in the past, spouted ill words of my race that run the gamut from us being ‘passive, witless grazing creatures’ to ‘demonic infiltrators hell-bent on usurping Kalimdor.’

At least it is never dull to be in diplomacy!

Irrespective of previous experiences, I was warmed by the hospitality of her people. For the most part they spoke to us as peers, with dignity, respect, and trust. We posess a rich and interwoven history, and have many shared experiences. It vindicated all of my previous efforts to finally see a union of Draenei and Kaldorei people that understands this.

Yet a dark, inner cynicism pulls at me. Something that has kept me alive and secure in the past is not something that I should ignore, but it does rain on my parade if I pay it too much mind. The Shadow mother, Anzhela, seems to share my cynicism, though she is more overt about it than I. One has to wonder, though: Is their grace and affability merely a show? Are we in grave danger by aiding and abetting the safe refuge of their Highborne? Is that why the Lineage have been so unfailingly polite and accommodating?

I take a leap of faith, as always.

Tomorrow I travel once more to Hearthglen, to meet with Tahilia Veron. I know almost nothing of Tahilia except that she has aided us in the past, and that she was chosen personally by Kerdic Lothinil himself to lead this meeting. The latter in itself is a great commendation. I am not sure yet what the Consul thinks of her. Then again, I always must remember to press the Consul directly for her thoughts, because she is so often reluctant to speak them.

The atmosphere is a cold one. A union unsure of itself. The ties that bind the Grand Alliance are permeated with an uneasy subtext.

Naaru watch over us in these trying times.

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